The main role of the International Lead and Zinc Study Group is the promotion of market transparency in the global lead and zinc markets. This requires closely monitoring trends in the market fundamentals and providing detailed data on production, usage, prices, stocks and trade flows, which is done via the Group’s Statistical and Forecasting Committee.
Much of this information is disseminated via the publication of the highly-regarded Lead & Zinc Monthly Statistical Bulletin, the subscription to which includes access to both a Data Spreadsheet and an online Interactive Database. The statistical data published by the Group is used to calculate global market balances which allow users to determine whether markets are in surplus or deficit.
The Group also releases twice-yearly detailed market forecasts that are compiled largely using information provided by industry in member countries. These forecasts attract widespread interest amongst the metal’s community and metals press.
Other regular publications include the comprehensive World Directories of Mines, Lead Plants and Zinc Plants and the New Mines and Smelters Projects Report, prepared under the auspices of the Group’s Mine and Smelter Projects Committee. The information listed in these reports is also available via the Mine & Smelter online Database, an interactive interface located on the Group’s website.
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